Sunday, December 13, 2015

The official video for "The Crush" is now up on YouTube!

Check out the official video for "The Crush"  A love story for the ages.

Video link:

Music video created by Alex Khunprachansri

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Custom Made Music - December Sampler

Hey check it out, Custom Made Music has included the track 'Lower' on the CMM December Sampler.  Thank you CMM!!!!!! There are many other cool artists included as well.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

This site is almost functional, almost

Still building and adding content to the official site for Headphone Intercourse.  Updated links for CD Baby as the album 'Structure' is now available for purchase as a cd or digital download.  Additionally the album is up on SoundCloud as well.  

More to come,
